Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mega Ramp.

I love skateboarding, but the only thing that causes me to shy away from it is the fear of falling. That being said, it amazes me to see skateboarders use mega-ramps. Mega-ramps are giant monstrosities made for skaters to come as close to death as they possibly can get. The basic concept is have a skater roll down the biggest drop in imaginable, hit a huge ramp, fly through the air over a gap which can be up to 68 feet long, and land on the other side only to have to hit a gigantic quarter pipe. The whole sequence is extremely dangerous. If you haven't seen what it looks like, this should give you a hint: . Crazy huh?

Before I die, I want to try and skateboard a mega-ramp. I have always wondered what it would be like to fly!

1 comment:

  1. It does take a lot hearts and brave to skateboard a mega-ramp.
